Pimples On Scalp: One Stop Guide To Fixing Scalp Acne

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Pimples On Scalp: One Stop Guide To Fixing Scalp Acne

Scalp Acne is a Problem, But Can Be Overcome

So you’ve been scratching your head because you have an itchy scalp, you’ve seen red bumps all around your scalp region, and now you’re wondering whether you have scalp folliculitis. In other words, whether you have pimples on scalp. The bad news, of course, is that these symptoms point to the fact that you do. The good news, however, is that scalp acne is easily treatable.

Causes of Pimples On Scalp

The formation of itchy pimples around the scalp region is another (yet no different) form of acne on a person’s body. It is quite common, and often forms when the hair follicles on your scalp suffer inflammation and form acne bacteria. Some people choose to ignore these scalp bumps, but others choose to act. After all, even if you have very mild symptoms, why not fight this problem off instead of potentially dealing with it chronically? If that is your mission, you’ve come to the right place.

Scalp Pimples Treatment

Just like acne on other parts of your body, such as your face, back, or chest, pimples on scalp may be treated orally. The two most common topical acne agents are salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin to prevent dead cells from sticking around and creating a breeding ground for bacteria, and through exfoliation also allows the bumps to lessen in redness. Benzoyl Peroxide, on the other hand, kills the bacteria. Unfortunately, benzoyl peroxide has its fair share of problems. It can bleach your hair and skin, and often dries it out severely. In our benzoyl peroxide article, we discuss all the benefits and costs of using it as a topical agent. In summary, it is not recommended. If any treatment should be used between these two, stick with salicylic acid. However, it can dry hair as well so try to find a brand that has .5% salicylic acid (many often come with 2%).

For real pimples on scalp treatment, your focus should be on the shampoo you use. The best shampoo for scalp bumps is undoubtedly tea tree oil shampoo. Tea Tree Oil can be used as a topical agent as well to substitute for benzoyl peroxide, but when dealing particularly with the scalp region, it is best to combine its benefits with a shampoo that can help keep your scalp from becoming dry. It’s a “kill two birds with one stone” type of deal. Tea Tree Oil Shampoo will not only kill bacteria, but it also disinfects the area generally and a solid shampoo will moisturize the scalp as well.

Scalp Pimples Treatment Isn’t Only Topical

What many people seem to forget, which is unfortunate, is that any acne fighting regimen must ultimately tackle acne from the inside. We’ve laid out the basic steps necessary to combat acne from the inside in our Scalp Acne Diet article. As a quick summary, eating natural and healthy foods is the first step towards clearing your system of potential acne outbreaks (whether on the scalp or anywhere else). But this is general advice that you will hear anywhere, what really matters is what you do next.

  1. You should cut out dairy as much as possible.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar should be a staple in your diet
  3. Zinc and Vitamin D3 should be your favorite supplements
  4. Eating anything with high amounts of beta carotene is essential

As with anything that must be tackled on the inside, it is imperative that you give this regimen a try over a longer period of time. Most often, you will not see external results on an internal regimen for at least 3-4 weeks. After that, your pimples on scalp problem should be gone and should never come back. Furthermore, this regimen will provide you with a healthier lifestlye overall, which you will come to enjoy. Below are a few of the main products in this regimen:

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