Scalp Folliculitis Remedies
Scalp Folliculitis
Scalp Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles, it most often forms small white heads that fall under the acne bacteria umbrella. This condition most often occurs when there is damage to the hair follicles, however, it is usually temporary if the right remedies are sought. Vitamin supplementation and use of the right type of shampoos can both rid and prevent this condition from returning in the future.
Scalp Folliculitis Forms Scalp Acnes
The white heads that form out of the inflammation of the hair follicles are acne bacteria. They must be treated in the same way as acne that occurs on the scalp or anywhere else on the body. For detailed information on how to combat scalp acne, visit our Scalp Acne Treatment article. However, particularly for scalp folliculitis, other remedies are useful and should be used in combination.
Scalp Folliculitis Remedies
Vitamin A is an important vitamin that should be supplemented with daily in order to combat both acne and scalp folliculitis. Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes and skin and as you may know, is a primary component of the acne treatment Accutane. However, unlike Accutane, the Vitamin A pills available at the local health store are the natural form, and are often suggested as a great home remedy to add to your acne fighting regimen. The recommended doses are anywhere from 5,000UI to 10,000UI. The Vitamin A pills usually come in 2,000UI and 5,oooUI strength, so you can easily manipulate the amount you want to take in daily. For best results, make sure you get the beta-carotene version.
Because scalp folliculitis damages hair follicles, an extremely important part of treating and preventing this condition is based on using the right shampoo. As we’ve suggested in our Tea Tree Oil Shampoo article, tea tree oil shampoo is one of the best shampoos available to fight both acne and scalp folliculitis. However, besides using a solid shampoo that fights scalp folliculitis, it is also important to apply a moist towel (after dipping it in bearably hot water) to problem areas on your scalp for around 5-10 minutes. This will open up your pores and break apart the white heads that have appeared. For an added benefit, apply known acne medication such as salicylic acid or tea tree oil on a cotton ball to speed the process of killing these bacteria.
Scalp Folliculitis Prevention
Do not share your towels or hats with others.
When you sweat, rinse your hair with water and pat it dry to clear your hair of dirt and oil.
Avoid using soap on your hair, and any shampoos that contain harsh ingredients. As dictated above, stick to a shampoo that fights scalp folliculitis and acne (Tea Tree Oil Shampoo).
Eat a healthy diet that is not rich in oily foods that may increase sebum production and make your scalp and hair follicles extra oily.