Basics of Scalp Acne Treatment

Scalp Acne Can Be Cured
Many people who suffer from pimples on scalp struggle to find something that works and clears their head from irritating bumps. They are often pushed to go see a dermatologist and spend excessive amounts of money. However, scalp acne is not much different than facial or body acne. As a result, with some tweaks, many similar methods can be applied for scalp acne treatment that work for acne on other parts of the body. With the proper information, you can deal efficiently with pimples on scalp.
Most importantly, as with any acne, scalp pimples must be attacked from the inside. The most important component of scalp acne treatment, therefore, is not the surface (the scalp). That means that in order to get rid of this problem, certain regimen changes must be made in regards to both diet and supplementation. You cannot eat excessively oily foods all the time, because this oil is later released through your hair follicles and populates your scalp. This environment is perfect breeding ground for pimples. This does not mean you cannot enjoy eating oily foods, but if you do make sure it is done in moderation and not the main part of your diet. Ever notice how your hair is oily, and often times these bumps start appearing more frequently? Bad diet aggravates the condition, irritating both the skin on your scalp and your hair.
Scalp Acne Supplementation
You should focus on getting a regimen started that helps heal acne from the inside of your body, outside of fixing up your diet. Scalp acne treatment must include supplementing with products that help control sebum production, which is the most important element of developing any type of acne, including pimples on scalp. Your focus should be Zinc and Vitamin D3 supplementation. The linked articles will explain their role most efficiently, but they both are imperative in order to inhibit acne formation long before it starts appearing on your scalp or anywhere else.
Combating Scalp Bumps Topically
Scalp acne is no different than acne elsewhere. Because of this, typical medications that work well to fight acne that is already on your scalp should be based on salicylic acid or tea tree oil. Benzoyl Peroxide is not a good idea for scalp acne, because it has bleaching effects. Unless you want bleach spots to start appearing on your hair, steer clear. Nonetheless, tea tree oil has the same anti-bacterial properties as benzoyl peroxide and can be applied on a cotton ball to the problem areas without worry of bleaching. Studies have shown it is just as effective in fighting acne prone areas.
For best results in fighting pimples on scalp, it is necessary that you use the right type of shampoo. Many people have reported that the use of a dandruff shampoo (which contains zinc, mentioned prior) has had a very good impact on clearing scalp acne and preventing future break outs. However, perhaps the best option in regards to a solid shampoo to deal with these pimple problems is Tea Tree Oil Shampoo. We have written a solid article on why it is the best shampoo for scalp acne, but in a few words, just as it is a very good option to apply topically it is also non-irritating and fights acne bacteria deep into the scalp.
*As a tip, topical use of Apple Cider Vinegar to combat scalp bumps has also been reported to work very well. However, as with anything, consistent use is necessary. For best results in combating scalp acne, your scalp acne treatment must focus on all these things in tandem. Only when you develop a solid regimen, as outlined above, can you fight these acne problems and achieve results that you’ll be happy with. Combining all these things is key, and so is consistency.