Apple Cider Vinegar Acne: Acne Cure?

Posted in Pimples on Head

Apple Cider Vinegar Acne: Acne Cure?

Apple Cider Vinegar Cures Scalp Acne


Apple Cider Vinegar has often been suggested as a fantastic remedy for all types of scalp acne and acne in general. It is an anti-bacterial that has nutrients that can help restore health to both your skin and your insides. Not only can apple cider vinegar be applied topically to fight pimples, it can also be ingested daily in order to fight problems such as scalp acne.

Ingestion of Apple Cider Vinegar

Because Apple Cider Vinegar helps clear the body of harmful toxins, ingestion of the ACV can help cleanse your body from the inside out and provide long-term benefits. Most importantly, and why you are here, this removal of toxins has healed skin from the inside and cured problems such as scalp acne. Pimples cannot form when impurities inside your body are not present to find their way to your skin and appear on your back, face, or scalp.

The best method is to drink 2 teaspoons in the morning and at night. Because Apple Cider Vinegar is not going to be tasting too great, you should mix it with water or juice. Even when you mix it, you have to make sure that you use a straw to drink your mixed drink in order to not erode enamel on your teeth over time. These are small sacrifices of minor inconveniences for a great reward of clearing scalp acne and any problems with pimples on head. Give this at least 3 weeks to see results.

Apple Cider Vinegar Applied Topically

Apple Cider Vinegar can also be applied topically to problem areas, in this case the scalp, in order to fight scalp acne. The best way to to do this is again in the morning and at night. Wash your face with water first, and pat semi-dry with a towel. Moisten a cotton ball with water, and put a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar on top of it so the water and ACV dilute. A drop or two of ACV is enough to fight scalp acne topically. Wipe your scalp with the cotton ball, make sure to go over problem areas where pimples on scalp appear the most. Let your scalp dry for 10 minutes, and wash it off with water. As with ingestion, give this 3 weeks to see results.

Final Tip

Make sure that you buy the Apple Cider Vinegar that is effective against scalp acne, and any other pimples. This brand is 100% organic, and on the front label you will see it say that it has “mother” in it. Sounds silly, but that is actually the specific element that is advertised on the bottles because that is the element that makes Apple Cider Vinegar so effective with fighting scalp acne and all kinds of pimples. “Bragg” brand is good!

Visit our Zinc + Acne article for more on how to combat pimples.

Incoming search terms:

  • apple cider vinegar for scalp acne



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